DotNet Core - Create a Script DLL
In this article we will go over creating a DLL for scripts, this will allow for a single file artifact that can be loaded up in just about any .NET Core application.
Personally I wanted a way to to create CSX scripts and load to create dynamic logic for my game clients. First pass was to run the compiling of the scripts on the client from the string representation. But I hit some roadblocks while working in the cutting edge of .NET 5.0, so I look at a different route. The route I found was that I could easily have the server compile all the scripts into a single DLL and loading it into the client. I have included some source code examples and a project in Github that shows how easy it is to do this.
I did use CS Script Core to handle the have lifting of creating the DLL, but after it just turned into loading the DLL directly from .NET is all that is needed to get it into memory. Checkout out CS Script Core its an awesome library that hides alot of the complicated bits of working with dynamic C#.
Example Project
Checkout canhorn/EventHorizon.CreateScriptDll for a working example of the code below.
Startup.cs for project
using System;
using System.IO;
using CSScriptLib;
namespace CreateScriptDll
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create Save Directory and Get File Full Name
var fileFullName = GetFileFullName();
// Using CS-Script.Core create the DLL of our Script
using System;
public class Script
// Noticed the dynamic usage so we don't have to know exactly what is on the arguments.
// And we are able to access any of the argument properties, or get an exception if not found.
public ScriptResult Method(dynamic arg1)
return new ScriptResult { Name = $""({arg1.ArgName}) Script Result!"" };
public class ScriptResult
public string Name { get; set; }
// Use the File Full Name to load in the Assembly
/// <summary>
/// Use the File Full Name to load in the Assembly
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileFullName">The fullName of the Assembly File</param>
private static void LoadScriptAssemblyAndRunMethod(
string fileFullName
// Take the file and read the bytes into memory
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileFullName);
// Take the bytes from the file and use Reflection to Load the Assembly
var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(bytes);
// Create an instance of our Script class located in the scripts
dynamic t = assembly.CreateInstance("css_root+Script");
// Create our Data that will be passed to our Script.Method call
var data = new ScriptArg { ArgName = "Script Argument!" };
// Place the result into a dynamic object for accessing
dynamic result = t.Method(data);
// Display the Name from the result to the console
Console.WriteLine($"Script.Method(data): {result.Name}");
private static string GetFileFullName()
// Create the File Name and Path
var path = Path.Combine(
var fileFullName = Path.Combine(
if (!Directory.Exists(
return fileFullName;
/// <summary>
/// This class holds our arguments passed into the Script.Method call
/// </summary>
public class ScriptArg
public string ArgName { get; set; }