• Blazor
  • ASP.NET Core
  • .NET
  • WebAssembly
  • Wasm

Blazor Interop Generation Tool Release

This article is the Release post of my new Blazor Interop Generation Tool! Here I will do a quick overview of the tool and how to use it.


This tool allows for the easy creation of Blazor TypeScript Interop Generated projects, I packaged up my own library into an convince tool with ease of use features built in. By giving the CLI command a few flags you can generate a project with just a single command, no external files necessary.


Below you can install the, it was built in .NET Core 5.0, so having the SDK installed is required.

dotnet tool install -g EventHorizon.Blazor.TypeScript.Interop.Tool

Command Line Options

I pulled the below table from the Tool's Readme in GitHub, check out the readme to see current supported options.

Identifier | Details | Required/Default --- | --- | --- -s, --source <source> | TypeScript Definition to generate from, can be a File or URL, accepts multiple or as Array | REQUIRED -c, --class-to-generate <class-to-generate> | A Class to generate, accepts multiple or as Array | REQUIRED -a, --project-assembly <project-assembly> | The project name of the Assembly that will be generated | Default: "Generated.WASM" -l, --project-generation-location <project-generation-location> | The directory where the Generated Project assembly will be saved | Default: "_generated" -f, --force | This will force generation, by deleting --project-generation-location | Default: (False)


The example below shows off a command that will generate a BabylonJS project, it takes in multiple sources from the internet and multiple classes to generate.

# ehz-generate -f -a Blazor.BabylonJS.WASM.Generated
# -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/master/dist/babylon.d.ts
# -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/master/dist/gui/babylon.gui.d.ts
# -c Button -c MeshBuilder -c PointLight
# -c StandardMaterial -c HemisphericLight
# -c UniversalCamera -c Grid -c StackPanel
ehz-generate -f -a Blazor.BabylonJS.WASM.Generated -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/master/dist/babylon.d.ts -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/master/dist/gui/babylon.gui.d.ts -c Button -c MeshBuilder -c PointLight -c StandardMaterial -c HemisphericLight -c UniversalCamera -c Grid -c StackPanel
Cody's logo image, it is an abstract of a black hole with a white Event Horizon.

Cody Merritt Anhorn

A Engineer with a passion for Platform Architecture and Tool Development.