Soft Launch - Game Development Platform
Available Now! Today you can try a new way to Development Games.
Checkout out these articles! I mainly focus on Tech related topics with a heavy focus on .NET and anything relating to Game Development. But you will find some hidden gems about infrastructure like Kibana to Kubernetes!
Available Now! Today you can try a new way to Development Games.
After you join the Game Development Platform, you might be lost on where to start, this article will give you an overview of the Platform and where you can get started.
This will be a quick article just stating the details needed to get a fresh ASP.NET Core Blazor application up and running with localization, and pointing out one main pitfall that is easy to overlook when setting up Localization.
I am finally comfortable enough to put the 1.0 Version on this project! The project it self is quite simple to grasp, you give it a TypeScript definition file and it will create a C# interop library for easier usage with ASP.NET Core Blazor.
This article will give a high level overview of the Azure DevOps Rest API, including Authentication all in a Blazor Application.