
Checkout out these articles! I mainly focus on Tech related topics with a heavy focus on .NET and anything relating to Game Development. But you will find some hidden gems about infrastructure like Kibana to Kubernetes!

  1. Blazor Wasm - Get Access Token for User

    • Blazor
    • ASP.NET Core
    • .NET
    • C#
    • Wasm
    • WebAssembly

    In this article I show, using ASP.NET Core Blazor Wasm, a quick snippet to get the AccessToken for a logged in User. Not much to it just using the IAccessTokenProvider, and if the user is signed in and they have are using an authentication type that provides an access token, like OpenID.

  2. CSS - Fancy Full Screen Loading UI

    • CSS
    • HTML
    • JavaScript

    This article I am just showing off a simple full screen UI I am playing around with, the main reason to have a Full Screen Loading UI is to hide loading details about your application. In my case I am hosting a Wasm application, and since it requires a hearty load of assets I wanted a Fancy loading screen to show the user when they first hit the site. Below is the HTML, CSS and JavaScript I use to show and manage the UI.

  3. Blazor - Client/Server Dynamic Scripting

    • Blazor
    • ASP.NET Core
    • .NET
    • C#
    • Scripting

    For my new Blazor Game Client I wanted a way to create scripts that could be written by the user of the platform, and automatically load them from Client, without having to pull down a new client or having to reload the client. This article will go over the project I created to show how this might be done.

  4. Blazor - Enable API Endpoints

    • Blazor
    • .NET Core
    • .NET
    • C#

    Just a quick post showing how to enable API controllers in a Blazor server application. I noticed, for performance, the default templates I used does not automatically wire up API controllers that are in your application. To enable API controllers you just need to add to the endpoints mapping, endpoints.MapControllers();.